Having lived in Central and South America for several years, I have developed a love and passion for soccer! I bleed yellow, blue, and green (Brazil), but I am also cheering for Argentina as a favorite to win. I wake up every morning at 7am to watch the first match through droopy eyelids and over the edge of my coffee cup. But watch I do. For example, this morning, I watched in amazement as Portugal scored 7 goals against North Korea. Even though play was so one sided, I was impressed with North Korea's effort. They kept trying, even in the face of insurmountable odds. Also, they didn't play dirty out of anger (like the Ivory Coast did yesterday against Brazil!!!)
I get frustrated by people who badmouth soccer. Just because matches don't result in double digit scores does NOT mean that it is not a very challenging and exciting sport. In fact, I think the fact that so many games remain scoreless or low scoring shows just how difficult and therefore impressive scoring a goal really is. And if you really think about it, If point values were different in American football, wouldn't most games end in very low scores also??? Soccer is an incredibly challenging, physically demanding sport that deserves our admiration.
For people who are critical of soccer, I would like to ask you to pause and think. You may see soccer as nothing more than an after school activity for preschoolers, but in truth it is so much more. Look at what the players are able to do with their feet. Look at the control of the passes, the intricate footwork, the speed and stamina. Watch a Brazilian "dance" around the soccer ball. I watch in amazement at the way they are able to move the ball. There is so much passion and emotion involved in soccer. I find myself yelling at the tv, jumping around the room, and clutching my Brazil soccer ball to my chest. Everything that I am feeling watching the game from the comforts of home is nothing compared to the ecstasy of victory or the agony of defeat you feel when you are actually there.
Before you rush to judgement about a little know sport, watch a game (preferably a good one!!!) and have a little respect for how hard they are truly working, and then make up your mind.